Accessing and querying GPU devices

IPython is an interactive Python prompt, particularly useful for PET/MR imaging. Start IPython by issuing ipython in the terminal to obtain the following:

Python 2.7.15 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, May  1 2018, 23:32:55)
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IPython 5.7.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
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help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]:


At this stage Python 2.7 is supported. Support for Python 3 is coming soon.

Import nimpa package from Python NiftyPET namespace and run the :

from niftypet import nimpa

which for two NVIDIA GPU devices used for this documentation (TITAN Xp and Quadro K4200) will produce:

In [1]: from niftypet import nimpa
  ...:  nimpa.gpuinfo()
Out[1]: [('TITAN X (Pascal)', 12788L, 6L, 1L), ('Quadro K4200', 4231L, 3L, 0L)]

In [2]:

Please note that only the first device is supported, i.e., the compute capability is >=3.5:

In [3]: nimpa.gpuinfo()[0][2:]
Out[3]: (6L, 1L)

The same fuction is available in nipet, i.e.:

from niftypet import nipet

It’s also possible to get extended information about the installed GPU devices by running either




For the above GPU devices, the following will be obtained:

In [4]: nimpa.gpuinfo(extended=True)
i> there are 2 GPU devices.

CUDA device: TITAN X (Pascal), ID = 0
i> total memory [MB]:12788.50
i> shared memory/block [kB]:   49.15
i> registers (32bit)/thread block: 65536
i> warp size: 32
i> compute capability: 6.1
i> clock rate [MHz]: 1531.00
i> ECC enabled? 0
i> max # threads/block: 1024

i> Memory available: 12788.50[MB]
   Used: 504.37[MB]

CUDA device: Quadro K4200, ID = 1
i> total memory [MB]:4231.99
i> shared memory/block [kB]:   49.15
i> registers (32bit)/thread block: 65536
i> warp size: 32
i> compute capability: 3.0
i> clock rate [MHz]:  784.00
i> ECC enabled? 0
i> max # threads/block: 1024

i> Memory available: 4231.99[MB]

[('TITAN X (Pascal)', 12788L, 6L, 1L), ('Quadro K4200', 4231L, 3L, 0L)]
Out[4]: [('TITAN X (Pascal)', 12788L, 6L, 1L), ('Quadro K4200', 4231L, 3L, 0L)]