DICOM anonymisation

DICOM data anonymisation or pseudonymisation is a process of removing sensitive personal information from DICOM attributes . This ensures compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); so that the people who are imaged remain anonymous when their image data is distributed for wider scientific or clinical research.

The difference between anonymisation and pseudonymisation is that the former does not allow re-identification, while the latter does. In pseudonymisation the personally identifiable information is replaced with artificial identifiers, which must be kept separately and safely. Importantly, however, it has to be recognised that with current machine learning techniques, absolute protection of digital imaging data is almost impossible. For example, in an MR study of the head, effective anonymisation would also need to involve irreversible image deformation of the face [7].

Anonymisation in NiftyPET

The anonymisation can be achieved using function dcmanonym in sub-package nimpa through the use of Pydicom. For example, sensitive information, such as the patient’s name, date of birth, etc., can be checked and displayed by:

from niftypet import nimpa
dcmpath = '/path/to/DICOM-file'
nimpa.dcmanonym(dcmpath, displayonly=True)

If it needs anonymisation or pseudonymisation, the sensitive information, such as the patient’s name, date of birth (dob) and physician’s name, has to be replaced by the user-defined strings, i.e.:

                physician='DR. Anonymous',

The argument dcmpath in the above call, can be not only the path (a Python string) to a single DICOM file, but also it can be a Python list of DICOM file paths, the path to a folder containing DICOM files, or a dictionary datain containing all the data (including raw data) needed for a standalone image reconstruction. For example, assuming that the scanner (here the Biograph mMR) is initialised and the path to raw data is provided, i.e.:

from niftypet import nipet
from niftypet import nimpa

# get all the scanner parameters
mMRparams = nipet.get_mmrparams()
folderin = '/path/to/raw-data'

# automatically categorise the input data
datain = nipet.classify_input(folderin, mMRparams)

then all the DICOM data required for reconstruction can be anonymised simply by:

                physician='Dr. Hopefully Nice',

Please note, that the anonymisation of the Biograph mMR data goes somewhat deeper than just modifying the DICOM attributes—it also extracts the specific CSA headers and searches them for the patient’s name.